Glass bead for blasting | Glass Bead Blasting Media

Gass bead for blasting

Glass bead for blasting

Glass beads are a common abrasive blasting medium, typically used for stainless steel, aluminum, or other non-ferrous metal parts to achieve a decorative surface effect.

Glass bead for blasting also assist in pre-treatment processes like nickel or chrome plating before galvanization, giving the substrate a clean, bright, matte finish.

 What Are glass bead for blasting’s Applications?

Aerospace industry Remove rust and paint from
mechanical components to remove knife marks.
Remove scratches on the rubberReflective paint for roads
 Scratch treatment on the surface of stainless steel.
Foundry industry; Pre processing in the
electroplating industry.
Semiconductor IndustryCrafts for exterior decoration

Glass bead for blasting | glass bead blasting media

glass beads for blasting
glass microspheres
glass microspheres
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