Reflective Glass Beads for Traffic Paint | glass beads for paint

Reflective Glass Beads for Traffic Paint

glass beads for paint

Our reflective glass beads have excellent reflective properties and can be used in safe reflective products, especially Water-based or oil-based paints and coatings.

Reflective glass beads are used in highway safety signs and highway traffic paint to improve visibility and safety outdoors at night.

This highly environmentally friendly product can be recycled and reused many times and is extremely simple to use.

The appearance of reflective glass beads is colorless and transparent spherical, and its chemical composition is inert silica. It is not interfered with by chemical activity and does not contain other harmful substances.

What Are Reflective Glass Beads Used For?

Road Paint : White road marking line

  • Yellow road marking line
Reflective paint for airport markings : Airport Marking
Parking paint

Reflective Glass Beads for Traffic Paint Supplier & Manufacturer in China

micro glass beads| reflective glass beads | paint glass beads

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glass microspheres
glass microspheres
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